Google Ads Agency Sydney

Google™ Ads Agency Sydney

Google™ Ads (also known as Search Engine Marketing) gives SMEs in Sydney the opportunity to appear within the search results immediately and provides the advertiser with complete control over the target market, adverts & budget. However, in our experience, Google™ Ads is not for everyone and definitely not for you if you don’t have a solid website and a compelling advertising strategy to catch and convert the clicks into enquiries.

Top Google AdWords Agency in Sydney at FocusedGrowth®

In addition, our team of Google™ Ads experts will select the right search engine advertising strategy based on your industry interests and digital marketing goals.


Google Search and Digital Marketing Agency Sydney

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Google™ Ads Strategy for SMEs in Sydney

Google™ Ads is a great way for SMEs in Sydney to get their company out there and generate leads. However, you mustn’t just dive right into advertising without considering the other aspects of your business that need to be taken care of first. If you’re not careful about how you spend your budget or target market, Google™ Ads might not work for you at all. That’s why our team of experts will help create an advertising strategy tailored to your specific needs! 

It’s essential to get an expert opinion on your Google™ Ads strategy before you jump in headfirst. Whether it be the budget, target market or how long ads run for – we can offer guidance and advice to make sure that you are successful. 



Google AdWords is a highly competitive search engine advertising platform that lets you select the keywords and phrases for your ad. It will appear on Google™ (and some other search engines) when a user searches for any of those words or phrases. The highest-paid ads are displayed at the top, with text links to more information from advertisers who bid higher than you did for those particular words/phrases in their advert; others go below them on page one. 

It can be effective if done correctly, but there are many nuances involved which require an expert’s help – we have over ten years of experience working with SMEs. For example, it depends on whether competitors already bidding aggressively on these terms – this means they could outbid you, even if your advertising campaign is more successful. 

The key to the success of Search Engine Marketing for SMEs in Sydney and the rest of the business world relies on doing the right research about which keywords and phrases are most relevant to your business objectives. This is where our team will help you define a strategy that works!  

The benefit of Google™ Ads is that it allows you to set up and run your campaigns in a cost-effective, timely manner.  

  • You can bid on keywords or phrases relevant to your business objectives;  
  • Target the type of customer you want by location, language, browsing history or previous purchases; 
  • Set budgets per day/week/month without having to start from scratch each time  

If this sounds like what you are looking for, please get in touch with our team, who will be happy to discuss how we can help make sure those clicks turn into enquiries. 

Our team of Google™ Ads experts will select the right search engine advertising strategy based on your industry interests & digital market needs. Once we have a clear idea, they will set up and execute an effective campaign for you that suits these requirements – this could be either PPC or SEO (or both!). Using one without the other doesn’t deliver as good results, so it’s always best to combine them in some way to get tremendous ROI! 

If you are interested in learning more about how Google AdWords work, please contact us now for a free consultation with one of our experienced SME advisors. We would love to discuss what is available today and answer any questions you may have before setting anything up.

Google AdWords is a much more cost-effective alternative to traditional forms of advertising.  

It allows you to target your audience and know exactly how much money you are spending on each ad campaign.  

It allows for complete control over budget & market targeted ads that can be changed in real-time.  

While some may argue that Google Adwords does not provide immediate results like TV or newspaper campaigns, this is subjective and only depends on what works best for your business. 

The main benefits of utilising Google Ads include: 

  • Cost-effectiveness 
  • Targeting potential customers by their search term(s) (such as “Luxury cars”). This means they will see your advert designed explicitly for them and not for all potential customers. 
  • The ability to target by location 
  • It’s easy to set up an account & campaign in a few minutes, with no need for approval from the Google AdWords team or anyone else 

We use both organic SEO, which is focused on generating high-quality content that will rank organically through search engines such as Google™, Bing®, Yahoo® etc., alongside paid advertising services (Google Ads) based around your industry interests. This means you get the best of both worlds – higher traffic from natural ranking whilst also being able to create targeted ads via google Adwords which can be changed at any time. In saying this, though, we understand that not all businesses can afford to spend money on advertising; no worries, we have every solution available for your budget! 

The ability to target by location means you can reach a more specific audience. For example, someone searching in Sydney may be interested in New York real estate, whereas someone outside Australia is likely looking for property listings elsewhere! With this level of targeting, it becomes far easier to pinpoint who your target customer is so that any advertisements or content created as part of an overall marketing campaign hits the bullseye every time – no wasted clicks or budget here!  

It’s also possible to target a device such as desktop, laptop, mobile or tablet. This means that you can drive traffic solely on the devices where your customers are most likely browsing, saving time and money spent on advertising campaigns without any guarantee of a return!  

If you’re new to Google™ Ads, then our team will create an account for you with all the necessary settings, so it’s ready to go straight away – no need to wait weeks for approval from anyone else! 

The ability to target by location allows SMEs in Sydney more specific consumers who live locally. It also makes business owners consider their current customer base when targeting- making sure advertisement content, and overall marketing campaigns hit every bullseye every time. For those new to Google™ Ads, the expertise and experience of our team will be invaluable. 

The biggest downside is that advertising on Google™ has a reputation for being expensive- which is why it’s crucial to get your strategy right from day one!  

That means you need an awesome website with engaging content & offers that can convert clicks into enquiries – remember, this isn’t just about getting more eyes onto your business advert, but converting those viewers into customers too! 

Are you looking for a new way to advertise your business? 

Google AdWords is the best way to get in front of customers searching on Google. It’s easy and affordable, so there’s no excuse not to try it out. You can set up an account with just a few clicks and start running ads within minutes. And if you need help along the way, we have experts standing by, ready to answer any questions you might have. 

We know that every business has different needs when it comes to advertising their company online. That’s why we offer flexible pricing options that make sense for everyone, from small businesses up to enterprise-level companies like yours! With our expertise in digital marketing, we can craft a campaign tailored specifically for your unique needs at an unbeatable price point – guaranteed! 

Google™ Ads in Sydney

Google™ Ads (also known as Search Engine Marketing) gives SMEs in Sydney the opportunity to appear within the search results immediately and provides the advertiser with complete control over the target market, adverts & budget. However, in our experience, Google™ Ads is not for everyone and not for you if you don’t have a solid website and a compelling advertising strategy to catch and convert the clicks into enquiries. 

Millions of people use Google every day to search for businesses like yours. You can reach these customers and drive them to your website when you advertise with Google. With Google Ads, you can create ads that appear when people search for the products or services you offer. You can also target your ads to specific audiences, like people who live in a particular area or have visited your website before. 

Top Google AdWords Agency in Sydney at FocusedGrowth®

FocusedGrowth® has a team of experts who can help you create a Google™ Ads strategy tailored to your specific needs! You won’t have to worry about wasting time or money on a campaign that doesn’t work – our team will make sure of it. Generating leads and growing your business is essential, so don’t miss out on this incredible opportunity. With the help of our team, you can confidently invest in Google™ Ads and see excellent results. 

Contact us today to get started with Google™ Ads. 

What is Google Ads?

Google Ads is a type of online marketing that allows businesses to advertise their products and services on Google’s search engine and other affiliated websites. Google Ads are displayed alongside organic search results and can appear on Google’s search engine and millions of other websites across the web. 

Google Ads are a powerful way to reach new customers and grow your business, but they can be complex and time-consuming to manage on your own. That’s where we come in. Our team of Google Ads experts will create and work your campaign for you to focus on your business. 

Benefits of Google Ads

There are many benefits of advertising on Google, including: 

Reach a wider audience

With Google ads, you can reach people searching for what you offer online. Google is a big part of the modern-day, and many people use it to solve their problems. However, you can’t always be sure if someone Googles an answer before they come into your business so make sure that when there’s something specific on which customers may need help finding solutions (even with ads), like “how do I get started?” then provide their online resources or tips for getting what they want without ever leaving your website. 

Get more leads and sales

Google Ads is a great way to increase leads and sales for your business. When people see your ad, they can click on it and be taken to your website, where they can learn more about your products or services.  

Control your budget

Google Ads lets you control your budget, so you can spend as much or as little as you want on advertising. You can also adjust your budget at any time. 

Generate brand awareness

If you want to increase brand awareness for your business, Google Ads are a great way to do just that. With our help, you can create ads that will appear when people search for terms related to your business. As they become more familiar with your brand, they will be more likely to visit your website or purchase from you. We know that generating brand awareness can be tricky – but it’s not impossible. With our help, you can create ads that will reach the right people and encourage them to learn more about what you have to offer. And once they do, we’re confident they won’t be able to resist doing business with you. 

Measure your performance consistently

Google Ads offers businesses the ability to measure performance consistently to see how their campaigns are doing and make necessary changes. You can track data like clicks, impressions, conversions, and more. 

Tackle your competitor better

FocusedGrowth® is the perfect tool for keeping an eye on your competition. You can see what kind of ads they are running, how they promote their business, and what opportunities you have to stand out from them. With FocusedGrowth®, you can grab the opportunities that come your way and make yourself stand out from your competition. You’ll be able to stay ahead of the curve and keep your business growing. 

Why Choose Us?

If you’re looking for a top Google Ads agency in Sydney, look no further than FocusedGrowth®. We are a team of certified Google Ads experts with years of experience in successfully managing campaigns for businesses of all sizes. 

We will work with you to create a customised Google Ads campaign that meets your unique needs and goals. We also offer a range of other digital marketing services, so you can get all your marketing needs taken care of in one place. 

So if you’re looking for a Google Ads agency in Sydney, contact us today to learn more about how we can help grow your business. 



Google Ads is an effective way to reach new customers and grow your business, but it can be complex and time-consuming to manage on your own. That’s where we come in. Our team of Google Ads experts will create and manage your campaign for you to focus on your business. 

We will work with you to create a customised Google Ads campaign that meets your unique needs and goals. We also offer a range of other digital marketing services, so you can get all your marketing needs taken care of in one place. 

Here’s how a compelling campaign accomplished by a team of experts could help improve your reach and boost your sales: 

Organic reach is not enough

Paid search is the quickest way to reach people actively looking for what you offer online. Google Ads allows you to specifically target people based on their location, interests, and previous searches. You can also control your budget and only pay for the clicks and views that you get. A well-executed Google Ads campaign will result in more leads and sales from people interested in what you offer. Google Ads can also help you increase your brand awareness and reach new customers. 

Customised Ads

Google Ads allows you to create customised ads tailored to your unique needs and goals. You can choose the keywords you want your ad to rank for, the location and demographics of your target market, and the type of ad you want to create. With our team of experts, we will help you select the right keywords target market and create customised ads designed to convert. 

Influence Buyer decisions & behavior

You can use Google Ads to influence buyer decisions and behaviour. For example, you can use Google Ads to target people who have visited your website but didn’t make a purchase. You can also use Google Ads to create remarketing campaigns that target people who have already shown an interest in what you offer. Our team of experts will help you create effective Google Ads campaigns that influence buyer decisions and behaviour. 

Lower Acquisition Costs

A well-executed Google Ads campaign can lower your customer acquisition costs. For example, if you’re spending $100 on Google Ads and get ten sales from that campaign, your customer acquisition cost is $10 per sale. However, if you only get one deal from that same $100 campaign, your customer acquisition cost is now $100 per sale. With FocusedGrowth®, we can help you create a Google Ads campaign that gets you more sales at a lower price. 

Frequently Asked Questions


Will Google Ads work for my business?

Google Ads can be a great way to reach new customers and grow your business, but it is not suitable for every business. If you don’t have a robust website or compelling advertising strategy, Google Ads may not be the best option for you. 

How much will Google Ads cost?

The cost of Google Ads will vary depending on your budget, the keywords you target, and the location and demographics of your target market. We will work with you to create a campaign that fits your budget and meets your goals. 

Can I track my results?

Yes, you can track the results of your Google Ads campaign using the Google Ads reporting tools. We will help you set up tracking to see exactly how your campaign is performing. 

What are the Advantages of partnering with Google Ads?

  • Reach a large audience of potential customers 
  • Target people based on their location, interests, and previous searches 
  • Control your budget and only pay for the clicks and views that you get 
  • Create customised ads that are tailored to your unique needs and goals 
  • Influence buyer decisions and behaviour 
  • Lower your customer acquisition costs 
  • Track the results of your campaign using the Google Ads reporting tools 

Should I use PPC or SEO?

The answer to this question depends on your individual business needs and goals. If you need to generate leads and sales quickly, Google Ads may be the best option for you. SEO may be a better option if you’re looking to grow your brand awareness or reach new customers. 

What are common challenges with Google Ads?

Some common challenges with Google Ads include: 

  1. Creating ads that are relevant to your target keywords 
  2. Targeting the right keywords 
  3. Bidding on the right keywords 
  4. Monitoring and tracking your campaign results 
  5. Making changes to your campaign based on your results 

If you’re having trouble with any of these things, our team of experts can help. 

How long does it take to see results from Google Ads?

The amount of time it takes to see results from your Google Ads campaign will depend on many factors, including your budget, the keywords you target, and the location and demographics of your target market. In general, you can expect to see results within a few days to a few weeks. 

Do Google Ads provide a good ROI?

The return on investment (ROI) of your Google Ads campaign will depend on your goals and the results you achieve. Our team of experts will help you create a campaign that provides a good ROI for your business. 

How do I get started with Google Ads?

If you’re interested in starting a Google Ads campaign, the first step is to contact us. We will work with you to understand your needs and create a customised campaign that meets your goals. 

Our approach to Google AdWords 


At FocusedGrowth®, we believe there’s no one-size-fits-all answer to marketing. That’s why we take the time to understand your business and your audience before developing a custom strategy that helps you stand out from the competition. We’ll help you attract more of the right customers, convert more leads into sales, and achieve a better return on investment for your advertising budget. Contact us today to learn more about our unique approach to growth hacking. 

Technique and campaign set-up

FocusedGrowth® can help you create a winning Google AdWords campaign. We’ll start with a detailed discovery phase to understand your business and your goals. Then we’ll use our industry expertise and experience to create a tailored strategy that will deliver results. Our team of experts will set up Conversion Tracking and Google Analytics to measure how your campaigns are performing so that we can find opportunities to improve ROI. We want to make sure that you see tangible results from your investment in Google AdWords. 

Targeting and ad copy

You have a great product, but you’re not getting the sales you want. That’s where we come in. We specialise in turning your website into a lead-generating machine. We’ll help you get more out of your advertising budget by targeting only those who are most likely to convert. With our help, you can focus on what you’re good at – making products that people love – while we take care of the marketing for you. All you need to do is sit back and watch the leads roll in. 

Monitor, Report and Optimise

Most businesses need help optimising their campaigns – and that’s where we come in. We use data analytics and the latest campaign monitoring tools to ensure your campaigns are always running at peak performance. You want to know what’s working and what isn’t, so you can focus your efforts on the things that matter most. That’s why we offer 100% transparency – so you can see everything we do and how it impacts your business. Rest assured that we have your best interests at heart and will continually improve your bottom line.